cupcake bouquet

Cupcake Bouquet is a very fancy way to show off your frosted cupcakes.

  1. 3.9 inch(diameter) styroform ball
  2. a big teacup to hold the ball
  3. 1 - green tissue paper
  4. rubber band
  5. toothpicks
  6. piping bag and rosette frosting tip


Things to note:
  • Make-ahead , the cupcakes and frosting, 1 or 2 day ahead.
  • A note on buying the right kind of Styrofoam ball :
  • Use a small ball for pinning the cupcakes. The larger the ball , the more the number of cupcakes required. 
  • Buy Styrofoam ball and don't buy smooth foam ball. It's very difficult to pin the cupcakes on the latter.

Making the cupcake bouquet:

  • Wrap the ball in a green tissue paper , securing the bottom with a rubber band and cutting off the excess paper.

  • Put it in the teacup.

  • Using toothpicks , pin in each cupcake around the ball.

  • Using 2 squares of paper , fill in the gaps between the cupcakes . Use a toothpick to push it into the gaps.(Do this before you start to frost the cupcakes. I forgot about the gap filler and remembered about it only after frosting 2 of the cupcakes)

  • Now fill the piping bag with the frosting and pipe rosettes on the cupcakes.

  • Lift the ball and place a paper doily in the cup for a more decorating look.
  • The cupcake bouquet is ready.

  •  If you have a big box that fits the cupcake bouquet along with the cup , well and good , store it in the box.
  •  don't have a big box. Buttercream dries out very fast , so I had to come up with something .
  • I pinned in a few small skewer sticks into the ball and wrapped the whole bouquet with plastic cling film.


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