using food processor to chop cabbage
Nothing beats a nice uniformly, thinly hand sliced cabbage thoren. But often times I need to rush with the chopping and the food chopper comes in handy. At first, the cabbage thoren made with cabbage chopped in the chopper turned out mushy. But then gradually I learnt to chop it right. These are the tips that help the cabbage from wilting when chopping in the food processor.


  • Using cabbage kept in the fridge makes it more firm and crunchy. This helps the cabbage from wilting while in the chopper.
  • Before putting in the food chopper, hand chop the cabbage into medium sized chunks.

  • When putting the chunks into the processor bowl, add them so that it just covers the chopper blade. Stop there. Do not put more. This is the most important tip. Putting a lot of chunks makes the chopped cabbage wilted.

  • Repeat this until you get the required amount of chopped cabbage.


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