During the summer months , when all the kids come out to play , the moms have a jolly good time too. The discussions are mainly about food . In one of our usual conversations , my friend asked me ," So ! what is kerala food like? " . My answer was " rice and rice products and curries made with coconut milk".  Coconut milk is an unavoidable ingredient in any authentic kerala dish.

Ingredients(Makes appr. 3 and 1/2 cups of coconut milk)
  1. 3 cups shredded coconut (I have used frozen and thawed shredded coconut)
  2. 3 cups water(lukewarm)

  • The coconut can be squeezed a maximum of 3 times. 
  • First time: Thaw the coconut . Put it in a mixie. Pour 1 cup hot water and grind the coconut into a chutney consistency. (I have used hot water because the coconut was cold. For fresh shredded coconut lukewarm or normal water is enough.)

  • Grind the coconut nicely on high speed.(count from 1 to 10 , that's what I do.)

  • Put the coconut mixture in a colander and squeeze the milk out with your hands. This is the first milk(à´’à´¨്à´¨ാം à´ªാൽ). It contains the coconut cream.Keep this separate.

  • Second Time: Put the squeezed coconut mixture back in the mixie and pour 1 cup warm water . Grind  counting from 1 to 10.  Squeeze using your hands into a separate bowl. This is the second milk(à´°à´£്à´Ÿാം à´ªാൽ)  

  • Third time: Add 1 cup water into the squeezed coconut mixture and mix it nicely with your hands. Then squeeze out the milk using a sieve. This is the third milk.(à´®ൂà´¨ാം à´ªാൽ).You can do this with the mixie also. My mother does it with her hands and so do I.

  • If using desiccated coconut use 2-1/2 cups instead of 3 cups fresh/frozen coconut.
  • While squeezing the first milk add 2 cups hot water instead of 1 cup lukewarm water. Squeezing the second and third milk follow the same methods as above.


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